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Web Design (example)

(This page is an example for students needing to see what their portfolio pages could look like.)

This website was designed from a base template for
e-Communication at ONW.  Banner image by A. Netterville.

Here's where I tell about the project, what I learned, how I did it, etc. Here's where I tell about the project, what I learned, how I did it, etc. Here's where I tell about the project, what I learned, how I did it, etc.

This website was designed from a base template for
e-Communication at ONW.  Banner image by A. Netterville.

Here's where I tell about the project, what I learned, how I did it, etc. Here's where I tell about the project, what I learned, how I did it, etc. Here's where I tell about the project, what I learned, how I did it, etc.